Thursday, June 11, 2009


I have to admit that I have been sucked into the Facebook vortex. I did not think it would happen but it did. So, I apologize to those who follow my blog and have not seen any posts of late. I am still out here and busy with kids, work and life in general. I will try to get back into blogging, as I think it is great way to document life. I am loving the "cooler" weather we have been having in AZ for this time of year. Only in the 90's and beautiful in the evenings as we spend 2 a week sitting outside at Lizzie's swim meets. Kathryn is suffering right now from a bacterial skin infection we think was originally a bug bite from our time spent in Kansas.:( Hopefully now that she is on antibiotics it will clear up. Jonathan is officially a senior and is taking an online English course this summer that he needed to make up. He will have a full load of classes next year and we will be having a BIG celebration when he graduates!! Lizzie is excited and nervous about starting HS in the Fall and is looking forward to being on the swim team. She will be going to Cactus HS - GO COBRAS!! I will try to catch up this again towards the end of the summer.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


I must confess that I have been sucked into the Facebook vortex and have been spending a lot of my computer time there lately.:) It is a great way to reconnect with old friends and keep in touch with long distance family and friends. I still want to blog, but it will be less. We had a nice Christmas with my family all here. Tim's little ones are so fun and Tori really enjoyed the snowmen and jinglebells. We had lots of family get togethers and enjoyed all the favorite foods of the season.(a little too much by the way my jeans are fitting) Our Pastor started out the year by preaching on Psalm 1 and it was a good reminder for a new year about what our purpose and focus should be. - JESUS! Blessings to everyone in 2009!

Sunday, December 14, 2008


We put the tree up and the cats seem to think we did this just for them. The white cat sits under it like she owns it. Lizzie took a picture of the cat and grandma. A rare happening to find them together.(grandma is not a huge fan of the cats) We laughed because the cat went and sat next to her on the couch.:)

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Choir Concert

Kathryn had a concert at school for choir. She has a wonderful choir teacher who is VERY serious about what she does and she gets the kids to accomplish great things.:) They were to dress up for this event(I have found out that it is rare for people to dress up in AZ-more laid back in the south I guess). Anyway, about a month before the concert the girls and I were at one of our favorite stores(Ross) and while we were standing in line we chatted with the lady behind us. We left the store and we were in our car when Lizzie saw that lady running out of the store waving at us. She told us that she was returning a dress but didn't have a receipt and they were only going to give her $1.47 because it was marked down now. She thought it might fit Kathryn and gave the dress to her. We thanked her and K couldn't wait to get home and try it on. It fit great but was a sundress so she just wore a black sweater over it. Here is pictures of her on the night of the concert.


We enjoyed spending Tday at the 4 T's. Everything was yummy! We enjoyed the little ones and even went for a walk before we had our pie.


Sunday, October 26, 2008


Any of you who have pre-teen girls know that the 3rd installment in "High School Musical " movies came out in the theaters Friday. Kathryn and I had planned for weeks for her to skip school that day(they had an early release day anyway) and head to the first showing of the day. So that's what we did!! I find myself enjoying these movies just as much as my kids. Of course I love musicals and have subjected my children to the classics, (ie.-The Sound of Music, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, My Fair Lady, etc...). After the movie we had lunch at Panda Express and talked about our favorite part/song in the movie.