Monday, July 28, 2008

Happy Birthday Firstborn

July 27,1991 a lifechanging event took place - Jonathan Daniel entered the world, making me a mom. We celebrated his 17th bday yesterday. As I went into his room to wake him I thought about the contrast between looking into a crib at a 7#14oz baby who woke me at the crack of dawn and 17 years later looking at a 6'4" young man who is content to sleep until noon. The smooth baby skin that is now sprouting whiskers. One thing that remains the same is the GREAT love I have for this boy that I carried within me, held in my arms and who now has to bend over to give me a hug(which he does often). I love you Jonny Boy and I am soooo blessed you are my son!


Cindy Keiger said...

They grow up TOO fast!! Seems like just yesterday you were a young girl taking care of my babies. And such is life....

Anushka said...

Happy birthday to our Jon ~ the boys are still talking about you with big smiles... all my love, auntie annie

Matthews said...

You have a 6'4 son! Wow! You all look great and we miss you! Driving around Mpls/Fridley/Col. Heights brings back so many memories!

karikopet said...

I never knew that Jonathon's birthday was the same as my husband Joe's.