Monday, December 31, 2007

Everlasting God by Lincoln Brewster

This is my favorite song for 2007. It continually reminds me that I need to draw my strength from my "Everlasting God". It may continue to be my favorite in 2008. I hope it encourages you too.

Saturday, December 29, 2007


We are sooo blessed all year and at Christmas it is fun to give gifts to eachother to show our love. Papa got a Chili's gift certificate from Jon. He knows Papa likes the BBQ ribs there. Jon bought gifts for all of us with the money he is earning at his job.:) I gave the girls new comfy robes and they kept them on all day. Lizzie had asked for luggage - for the traveling she is planning on doing I guess. Kathryn has been giving us all foot rubs with the Peppermint lotion she received.

Christmas Celebration!

I am finally finding a minute to sit and update my blog. Actually, as I write this I am in my house alone. A VERY rare occurance! Daniel and Lizzie are on a "daddy/daughter date", Jon is at work, and Kathryn at her friend across the street. We had Cmas at my parents on the 16th b/4 T & T left for MN. Little T loved the wrapping paper. On the 20th we went to T & T's for cookies and a Chistmas Carol sing a long. Christmas Eve was at our house with my parents. We ate lots, went to church and opened gifts. Daniel had to work on Cmas day so we just hung out at home. Papa took J & E to the "Bee Movie". At we had a yummy meal when D got home from work. A good time was had by all.:)

Saturday, December 15, 2007


And the Angel said to them,"Do not be afraid; for behold, I bring you good news of great JOY which shall be for all the people..." Luke 2:10
I love the word Joy and all it means. At Christmas and all year it is great to remember the "great joy" of the birth of Jesus and what that meant for all mankind. A radio announcer on the Christian station I listen to said "Christmas is all about Easter." How true! Joy is something that comes from our hearts unlike happiness that requires outward things to "happen". I thought I'd include a few pictures that bring me joy. Seeing Lizzie with her friend Tatum(leading role in Christmas program) My sweet neice. My dad and son and the wonderful relationship they have. My mom with the youngest grandchild and all the love she freely gives to all of us. And of course a good cup of coffee with family or friends. I hope you can find things in your life that bring you joy and remember the source of our Joy is found in Jesus!

"Finding the Christmas Star"

Friday night was the long awaited/hours of practice performance of "Finding the Christmas Star" kids program at church. In the first picture Kathryn is in the upper right. In the next one Lizzie is in the back row,middle under the 0. Lizzie was part of a dance number with a seventy's theme sung to the tune of "Staying Alive":) Kathryn did sign language to the chorus "I love to tell the Story" with 6 other kids. G & G Zieska came and UncleT and Aunt T and little T. Little T loved dancing to the music and looking at people. The last picture is our attempt to get a family pic. in front of the tree at church. I thought it was hard to get toddlers to cooperate, but teenagers are proving to be JUST as difficult.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

The Mom Song Sung to William Tell Overture with Lyrics

Whew!! That is tiring just listening to it but sooo true. It can be very wearisome being a mom. This week I am studying Matthew chapter 11 in BSF and I love the 28th verse. "Come to Me, ALL who are weary and heavy-laden and I will give you rest." What a comfort to know that I can find rest and peace in my heavenly Father. I pray you can find a bit of rest during this busy time of year. Mine comes at the end of the day when I put my youngest to bed and we give eachother backrubs.:)

Wednesday, December 5, 2007


This little darling is DEFINITELY on the "nice" list! We met at the mall on Sunday and thankfully grandma Z. got in line early because it was about an hour and a half wait to see Santa.
She loved looking at all the people and lights. We enjoyed a lunch together at a Mexican restaurant after the event. Christmas is sooo fun with little ones.

Saturday, December 1, 2007


Welcome to my heart Spirit of Christmas
I've been waiting for you...all year! -Kimber Anne Engstrom

It is good to be children sometimes,
and never better than at Christmas,
when its mighty founder was a child Himself. -Charles Dickens

I absolutely love this time of year. Although I must admit that since moving to AZ it is a bit harder to get in the "swing" of things when we are still wearing shorts and flip-flops. I did manage to decorate last weekend after Thanksgiving. Daniel put all the outside lights up and the tree lights and Kathryn decorated the tree. It has cooled off a bit here and has actually been raining off and on for two days. We have a fire going in our fireplace as I write this. It is fun during this time to keep traditions going and even start new ones. A tradition we have in our family is giving a small gift to the kids on Dec. 1st. My mom gives the grandkids personalized ornaments every year. A new tradition this year is going to the mall(tomorrow) with T & T so little T can see Santa. I'll take pictures.:) Another tradition our family has is singing "Happy Birthday to Jesus" on Christmas morning with a bday cake of caramel rolls. My parents raised us to focus on the meaning of Christmas during this time and not on gifts. I have tried to carry this on in our home and it takes some work. Our church offers many ways to do outreach for others at Christmas, so we have now made it a tradition to serve in this way. I am looking forward to starting my baking next week and will be going to a cookie exchange too. I hope in the weeks leading up to Christmas that you will take time to reflect on the true meaning of our celebrating and start some new traditions.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Jonathan just loves his baby cousin and he was down at her level playing with her. It seems like yesterday that he was the baby - where did the time go. Lizzie had scooted behind Tori and she was turning to look at Lizzie's face. I think she was reaching for a curl.:) Lizzie is the official "babysitter in training". These are moments to treasure. As seasoned moms we know how fast this time goes. I used to laugh at my mom when I was a teenager and she would say that she wished she could go back and have one day with us as babies. Now, I know what she means. When you are in the "throws" of motherhood(frustrated, tired,pottytraining) you feel that no end is in sight. I have now become the crazy lady in the grocery store that stops young moms and tells them to "enjoy every minute because it goes sooo fast". I'm sure they look at me through tired eyes and think "sure lady", but they'll blink and it will be them giving the same advice. Enjoy the gift of today -that's why it is called the present.

Monday, November 26, 2007


"Nobody knows of the work it makes
To keep the home together,
Nobody knows of the steps it takes,
Nobody knows - but mother" -Anon

"These are my daughters, I suppose.
But where in the world did the children vanish?" -Phyllis McGinley

I wanted to take a moment to reflect on motherhood. I have always known that I have an INCREDIBLE mom and it has just become more and more evident through the years. She has been such a wonderful and Godly example to me of what a mom is. I Pray that I can be such a mom to my children. Mom, I love you so much and want you to know I thank Jesus everyday for choosing you to be my mom and the grandma to my children. As, an adult now I am priviledged to also call you my best friend, prayer partner, coffee companion and "kindred spirit".:) Motherhood is NOT an easy road to travel. There are many bumps along the way but I am confident that with the model I have and grace from the Lord I will make it.


Here are a few snaps of what we have been up to the last week. Nicole came for a visit from MN(my great Aunt Ruby's grandaughter). The girls all got pedicures one day - what a treat! We went to the local swap meet and shared a HUGE bag of our favorite - Kettle Corn. Tori and Kathryn enjoying some quality cousin time. We all went to Tim and Tracy's for Thanksgiving and Tim was very proud of the outcome of the turkey. It was a wonderful day of food, family and fun. Thanks T & T for being such wonderful hosts. Kathryn's list of things she is thankful for is as follows: family, friends, pets, Jesus, laughing,food,school,Mrs. Sayre(her teacher)
"O give thanks unto the Lord; for He is good..."Psalm 136:1
We have soooo much to be thankful for.

Thursday, November 15, 2007


Isn't this a good looking family? We are so blessed to live close to my brother and his family. We just love spending time with little T and watching her grow. She has 4 teeth and learned how to wave "bye-bye" on auntie's birthday.


It has been an exciting week at our house. After 2 years of metal in her mouth, Lizzie is finally free of braces and loving it. Jonathan got hired on at Freddy's - a frozen custard and hamburger place. He is already planning what he is going to spend his money on.:) He gets to eat there, so I will probably notice a decrease in my grocery bill. Daniel finally got a shift that gives him the weekends off. Yeah!!! The weather here is what we have been waiting for -80's during the day and 60's at night.

Sunday, November 11, 2007


"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own" Matthew 6:33
I am studying the book of Matthew this year in BSF(Bible Study Fellowship) and we just finished chapter 6. I feel like the last part of the chapter is so pertinent to my daily life. I tend to take on "tomorrow's" worries. When I do that I am not trusting that the God who made me will take care of my every need. He sees the big picture and it is my job to rely on Him daily for my cares. As I enter a new week I hope that all who read this will be encouraged to rest in the knowledge that the Lord knows you, He created you and He will take care of you.

Friday, November 9, 2007


Yes it is true, I turned 40 on November 3rd. Lizzie asked me how it feels to be OLD! I'm sure that 40 seems ancient to her.:) My parents surprised me with a dinner party at their house with family and a few friends. I received a digital camera from my parents for my bday and I'm hoping to get pictures on here soon. Daniel and the kids gave me a beautiful family ring with all of our birthstones. A friend of mine and I are going to be in a craft show tomorrow. I made scarves (lightweight) considering it is 90 degrees here I don't know how many I'll sell. SO....guess who may be getting scarves for Christmas.