Monday, July 28, 2008


Lizzie was able to attend 4 days of a horse camp that was offered by the riding school she takes lessons at. It was from 6:00am -11:00am(thanks PaPa for doing the early morning drop-off). On the last day they had a "graduation" and performed some of what they learned for the parents. Lizzie did barrel racing. She loved it - even though she had a horse that made it clear it was just WAY too hot to be racing around anything! At one point the horse did a half buck/sidestep move in an attempt to scare or dismount his rider. Lizzie hung tough and when asked later by one of the girls if she was scared she quickly replied "No, I was just frustrated that the horse wouldn't do what I wanted!"

1 comment:

Anushka said...

Go Lizzie! Beautiful pictures of you ~ a